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About Step Club

Quality, accessibility, and community.

These are the ideas behind the Step Club platform. Step Club is the digital incarnation of traditional meeting club houses. Learn about how our groups and meetings work to get the most out of your experience here.


A group is the collective of members that meet with the common goal of supporting each other in recovery. A group is responsible for providing a safe and supportive meeting environment for their members.

Groups hold meetings at scheduled dates and times. Groups are optionally associated with a specific 12-step program. The same members might attend a group's meetings regularly, but any Step Club member can attend a group's meetings. The meetings that a group holds might have a common theme, format, or originate from a brick-and-mortar meeting group somewhere. Groups are able to schedule meetings up to 5 weeks in advance.


Meetings are scheduled events that any Step Club member is available to join. A meeting is a safe-space for members to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. Please respect each other's privacy and anonymity.

Every meeting includes details about the meeting's type, format, program, and language. These details are important so that members can find meetings that suit their needs. A meeting's type can be open or closed. If a meeting is closed it is restricted to members who have a sincere desire to stay clean and sober. Every meeting has a chairperson who is responsible for starting and facilitating the meeting. Speaker meetings may also have a speaker assigned.

Meeting Rules

Every group can set their own rules for their meetings. Please be sure to read the rules before joining a meeting to ensure that you are following the group's guidelines.

Meeting etiquette is important to ensure that everyone has a positive experience. Please be respectful of each other's privacy and anonymity. Please be mindful of time when sharing to allow others a chance to speak. Please don't interrupt anyone while sharing. We recommend not sharing personal information that could identify you outside of the meeting. Please don't share anything that could be harmful to yourself or others.

Meeting Formats

These are the descriptions of the meeting formats that are currently available. This will be updated as new formats are added.

  • Chairperson Choice (CC) - The chairperson will choose a format at the beginning of the meeting
  • Topic Discussion (TD) - Topic led open discussion meeting for attendee sharing
  • Open Discussion (OD) - Open floor meeting for attendee sharing
  • Book Study (BS) - Reading and discussion of program literature
  • Step Study (SS) - A group study of the 12 steps from program literature
  • Speaker (SP) - Chairperson chosen speaker led meeting


Currently only email notifications are delivered.

We send a daily schedule email if you are scheduled to participate in any meeting(s) that day. For any meetings that you have subscribed to, you will be notified once it is started by the chairperson. If any meetings are scheduled that assign your account in a role like chairperson or speaker, we will send you an email to notify you about it. If you are assigned as a chairperson, you have the ability to cancel the meeting if needed.